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Welcome Back to School!

First Day of School

We look forward to welcoming students back to school on Tuesday, August 20th. The school day begins at 8AM with Mass at 8:15AM, and dismissal for our first day will be at 11AM. Bussing will not be available on the first day. It is a privilege and honor to be entrusted with your children and to serve our faith-filled community. We look forward to working together with all of you to better our community and grow in faith.

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Pick Up & Drop Off Procedure

Student drop off is from 7:40-8AM with school beginning at 8AM. Parents are welcome to enter the building to bring children to class and join in prayer. Those who wish to walk their children inside may park in the main church lot. Our car line begins at the service drive on 5 Mile Rd, proceeds past the playground in two lines, and zipper merges to end at the main school doors along Parnell Ave. For more information and a map for our parking and car line, please visit here

School Handbooks

All policies created at Saint Patrick School are considered “local policies”. They are in addition to our Diocese of Grand Rapids School Policy.  All policies are in our handbook found below.

Technology Policy

St. Patrick School is committed to teaching its students and school community to learn
effectively with technology and to ensure its responsible use.  The following policies apply to cell phones and other personal devices:

Cell Phone Policy (Including Smart Watches)
The only phone a student can use during the school day is the office phone or classroom phone. If a student brings a cell phone to school, the cell phone must be kept off during the school day and with the student's possessions. Any student using a cell phone during the school day and when the office is open before or after school will have the phone
taken and kept in the office. The parent will need to get the cell phone from the office. The school will not be responsible for any lost or stolen phone.


Electronic Entertainment Devices (i.e., Game Devices, Smart Devices, etc.)
Such devices are not allowed to be used at school during school hours. Students riding a bus may use an electronic entertainment device on the bus, but it must be packed away with the student's possessions before entering school. It may not be taken out until back on the bus for the trip home. This restriction includes student recess and other non-instructional times during the school day. Any electronic equipment seen at school will be confiscated and kept until a parent can accompany the student to get it back. The school will not be responsible for any lost or stolen device.

Electronic Readers
A device that may serve as an electronic reader (Nook, Kindle, IPad, etc.) may be used with teacher approval and only for teacher-approved reading material. The device may not be used as an Internet Browser or game device on school property unless specific permission is given to the student. Again, the school will not be responsible for any lost or stolen device.

Online Resources

We use a variety of online resources to keep our parents up-to-date and make resources easily accessible. Infinite Campus allows parents to track their students' grades, attendance, and more.  The Finalsite Enrollment Portal contains all of the enrollment forms, tuition, and billing information you may need. The Brightwheel Portal is for our Child Care enrollment, communication, and billing.

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